Top Home Remedies for Psoriatic Arthritis
Apart from lifestyle and diet changes, moderate physical activity, rest, quitting smoking and alcohol, there are some time-tested natural treatments for psoriatic arthritis that have been passed through the wisdom of ancient practices. Many such remedies even today are used successfully in native medicines. However, if you are using products, then it’s advisable to always buy them from organic or certified stores that have been authorized to sell such products.
Most of the popular remedies that help reduce swelling and the resulting pain that can be done with easily available ingredients at home. Remember they cannot replace medication, and these remedies can be taken, in addition to your regular medication. If you find good remedy and would like to reduce your medication, it should be done only with the approval of your physician:
1. Turmeric
Turmeric is an Indian spice used in everyday cooking. The ingredient curcumin found in turmeric has been proven to be effective for many diseases and controls inflammation. It is abundant in antioxidants and helps improve immunity. You can add organic turmeric powder to your food while cooking or have turmeric tea. You can add honey, pepper, almond or coconut milk or have it plain. Curcumin is also available in the form of capsules.
2. Ginger
Ginger is another root vegetable that has been proven to have anti-inflammatory properties. You can use fresh ginger in stews and curries, and add grated fresh ginger to salads. A small piece of ginger can be added to fresh citrus juice. Ginger tea is a popular energizing tea. Dry ginger powder is available in organic stores and supermarkets. This can be added to your regular cooking in small quantities.
3. Epsom salts
Warm showers are a great way to relax the aching joints. You can add Epsom salts and soak in the water if there is too much pain in the body or soak only those joints that are causing pain. The magnesium present in the Epsom salts helps relieve the stiffness in the joints, directly impacting pain.
4. Capsaicin
This is a compound found in chilies that give it the heat. Today, there are topical creams available that contain capsaicin for the natural treatments for psoriatic arthritis. Applying this cream on the affected joins will reduce pain and bring some immediate relief.
5. Willow Bark
This contains Salicin, the chemical used in aspirin. Tea made from freshly harvested willow bark is a natural pain reliever and helps treat psoriatic arthritis. Extracts and tinctures are available, but it’s important that you read through instructions carefully before using the product.
6. Box berry
Extracts from box berry have long been used to reduce inflammation and are great for the natural treatments for psoriatic arthritis.
7. Fish oil
Along with increasing intake of Omega-3 fatty acid food, fish oil helps reduce the swelling and pain in the affected joints. These supplements are available as capsules, oil, chewable tablets. Those who are unable to consume Omega-3 rich fish directly can take these supplements.
Other home remedies that are great natural treatments for psoriatic arthritis include aloe Vera, tea tree oil, and oats, which can provide relief and reduce the swelling when applied on the affected skin. Apple cider vinegar can help psoriasis of the scalp but may cause burning while used on the affected skin in other parts of the body.